cardiac surgery

May 4, 2021
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery – If you’ve been told you need heart surgery, you may be wondering what that entails. For most of us, our first thoughts are about open-heart surgery, and the long time it takes to heal. Yet minimally invasive cardiac surgery provides a welcome option for many individuals. Thinking about your options before you and your doctor decide on the best course of action for you. A quick guide to open-heart surgery ‘Open heart surgery’ technically refers to any medical cardiac operation in which the chest is opened surgically. During this type of surgery, the heart itself may or may not […]
August 3, 2021
Reasons to See a Cardiac Surgeon

Reasons to See a Cardiac Surgeon

Reasons to See a Cardiac Surgeon – A doctor who specialises in surgical procedures for the heart, lungs and other organs in the chest is a cardiothoracic surgeon. Their training involves Cardiac surgery, lung surgery, pediatric heart surgery and vascular surgery. Cardiothoracic surgeons will graduate from medical school and continue to either complete a 3-year residency for general surgery followed by a 3-year residency program for cardiothoracic surgery or enter a 6-year residency for integrated cardiothoracic surgery. What do the cardiothoracic surgeons treat? Cardiothoracic surgeons treat adult cardiac problems like coronary artery disease requiring bypass heart surgery, replacement or repair […]
August 18, 2021
How long does it take to recover from minimally invasive heart surgery?

How long does it take to recover from minimally invasive heart surgery?

A body is just like a machine that can develop a different amount of complications a different amount of times. Just like a machine that requires a proper amount of maintenance from time to time for its smooth and efficient working, the body also requires timely treatment to ensure that the complications do not worsen. Therefore it is always advisable to undergo a proper medical check up and if heart surgery is advised, it should be Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery so that the amount of risk the body has to endure could be reduced. Different organs inside the body continue […]
August 27, 2021
benefits of minimally invasive cardiac surgery

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Benefits of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery – The heart is one of the most important parts of the body. It is only when you have a healthy heart that the entire body can function properly. It is considered one of the most important assets of the body, the importance of which cannot be compromised at any cost. A healthy heart always speaks of a present successful and lengthy life. Diseases of heart Due to unhealthy diet practices, sedentary lifestyle and undiagnosed diabetes hypertension, prevalence of heart diseases is increasing in India. Coronary heart blockages, […]