cardiac surgery

October 18, 2021
Reasons to See a Cardiac Surgeon

When to visit a minimally invasive cardiac surgeon?

The heart is considered to be one of the most important organs of the body. It is the life-saving organ of the following to such an extent that it is only when pumping that significance of life could be experienced. With this being the importance of heart, it is also important to mention that there can be situations in which different types of health concerns gather around a person when he has to make a tough choice. In such a situation, it is always important to stay aware of all the latest happenings around the medical industry to make the […]
August 22, 2023
Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery

Smaller Incisions, Quicker Recovery Minimally invasive heart surgery has revolutionized cardiac care by offering a range of benefits over traditional open-heart procedures. A key advantage is the use of smaller incisions, leading to reduced trauma to surrounding tissues and a faster recovery period. Unlike the larger incisions required in open-heart surgery, minimally invasive techniques involve only small keyhole-sized openings. This shorter incision length translates to less pain for patients and a shorter hospital stay, allowing them to return to their daily lives more swiftly.   Reduced Risk of Infection Minimally invasive heart surgery significantly lowers the risk of post-operative infections. […]