January 3, 2022

Why consult a Pediatric Heart Surgeon in Chandigarh?

Having a child be referred to a pediatric heart surgeon in Chandigarh or any part of the world can be a stressful experience for the parents. Likewise, hearing that the child does not have any serious heart disease can be a great relief! But, there are some events when your child may look fine, but feels some cardiovascular problems. Here comes the need of consulting the best pediatric cardiac surgeon. Give an attentive reading to this article till the end to understand the importance of pediatric heart surgery explained by Dr Ashwani Bansal who is a renowned cardiologist in Chandigarh, […]
April 14, 2022
heart specialist for children in chandigarh

Heart Specialist for Children in Chandigarh

Children’s Heart Specialist in Chandigarh Heart Specialist for Children – When deciding to get your child’s heart surgery done, you would look for nothing but the best. Thus, you would want your child’s treatment to be taken care of by a top-notch specialist. That’s because you would trust that surgeon more and your worries about the surgery will settle. Moreover, you would eye for specialists who have gathered enough experience in carrying-out surgeries. So, when you are hunting down the best cardiologist in town, you must look for certain considerations. It can either be a new surgeon or a second […]
April 18, 2022
Is heart surgery for children recommended

Is heart surgery for children recommended?

The thought of getting cardiac surgery done is very daunting. That’s because the heart is not only the primary organ of our body but also an engine room. This room is responsible for seamlessly pumping blood across the whole body. Therefore, any heart dysfunction is worrisome, and these concerns become graver when incurred in children. However, these issues must be dealt with, with a doctor-recommended remedy. Otherwise, you might aggravate the issue, and delay in providing recourse makes things worse. Cardiac Surgery for Children – Is it recommended? When a diagnosis is complete, it’s important to do what the professionals […]
April 19, 2022
Recovery Time for Pediatric Heart Surgery

Recovery Time for Pediatric Heart Surgery

Pediatric Heart Surgery Recovery Time Pediatric Heart Surgery – Heart surgery guides to operations conducted on the heart that requires a patient to be placed on the heart-lung bypass machine. The heart-lung bypass machine carries over the function of the heart and lungs to supply oxygenated blood to the body. Pediatric heart surgeons treat complex genetic heart defects in newborns, children, and adolescents, as well as adults. When your child had open-heart surgery then a surgical cut was made through the breastbone or the side of the chest. During the surgery, the child also may have been put on a […]